Commuter Connect helps people get to work in ways other than driving alone!

Interested in participating? To get matched with an option that suits your interests, register today! It's quick and easy.

Already a member?

Log in to access your profile and other benefits like your Emergency Ride Home

Cost Calculator Icon

How much is your commute costing you?

Calculate my cost now!



Reduce stress, save money and help reduce air pollution.

It’s easy to join a carpool with Commuter Connect! Simply sign up, get your carpool match list, contact the people on your list and determine how often you’d like to ride to work together.



Improve commuter friendliness at the workplace.

We offer a variety of free services to Central Indiana employers looking to offer transportation options and benefits to employees.


Emergency Ride Home

Get help when you need it.

If you experience an emergency requiring you to leave work suddenly, Commuter Connect will provide you with a free taxi service to wherever you need to go.

You Don't Have to Drive Alone!

Choose your affordable and convenient transportation alternatives.


Share your ride with someone who lives near you and works near you.


Share a Commuter Connect van with a group who live and work near you.


Work remotely from home and reduce your carbon footprint.

Bus / Workforce Connect

Ride the bus and save money, reduce stress and be more productive!

School Pool

Connect with other parents who drive their children to school.

Bike or Walk

Feel great and get in shape on your way to work!

If you live or work in the nine-county Central Indiana area, we can help! These counties include: Boone, Hamilton, Hancock, Hendricks, Johnson, Madison, Marion, Morgan, and Shelby counties.

What's Happening

Stay up to date with Commuter Connect by following us on social media.

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